Monday, April 30, 2012

Thermos Food Jars by FOOGO

I love Thermos by FOOGO! Positives:  1. 10oz is enough food for a baby over 12 months old. 2. Dishwasher safe. 3. Rubber bottom is great, keeps the jar in place. 4. Rubber lid for easy opening and closing. 5. Keeps cold foods fresh (yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables)...
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Sneak Peek of our first collection!

Baby clothing line by Layered Cake: Light, breathable, colorful and yet very simple! Made with 100% Muslin Cotton  Designed in USA  ...
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby furniture that you can live without.

My list of furniture pieces that both mother and baby can survive without. Less furniture = greener planet = thicker wallets:   1. Rocker. Rockers are expansive and majority of them are ugly looking and take lots of space. We chose the most affordable rocker option...
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Monday, April 23, 2012

How much furniture does you baby really need?

Minimalism is my approach to life when it comes to stuff. Your baby does not need lots of furniture. It is best if baby's room or a room where baby sleeps and plays in will have lots of open space for her to crawl and walk around. Here is my list of furniture that you baby really needs:  Must...
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Minerals your baby needs

Your baby needs the best of the best! I believe in fresh, home-made meals for your whole family. I believe your baby must eat: fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and bread. 1. Calcium helps with develop stronger bones, teeth, nerves and muscles. Drink milk, eat cheese, butter and yogurt.  2....
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Vitamins your baby needs and where to find them

Your baby needs the best of the best! I believe in fresh, home-made meals for your whole family. I believe your baby must eat: fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and bread. 1. Vitamin A great for eyesight. Can be found in carrots, green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and cabbage. 2....
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dear mamas, lose your UGGs.

There are two things that irritate me the most: parents (nannies) who are taking their kids to the playground pass noon and moms that take their babies for a walk and look like they just rolled out of bed. This post is about mamas that ignore or choose to ignore how they look. Yes, you a mother...
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The importance of egg yolk in your baby's diet.

Egg yolk is a must give food for your baby, here is why:  1. One egg yolk contains about 60 calories. Your baby needs foods that are high in calories, she is growing every minute.   2. Egg yolk contains protein, cholesterol (0.6 grams) carbohydrates, and approximately 4.5 grams of...
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Monday, April 16, 2012

Potty Chair by BabyBjorn

Potty Chair by BabyBjorn is fantastic:  Positives:  1. It is large and sturdy.  2. High backrest is very comfortable for our little girl, especially we love round and smooth finish on the edges.  3. The inner potty is removable and...
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Friday, April 13, 2012

Interlock Foam Floor Mats by We sell Mats

Positives: 1. Great color selection: brown, black, red, multicolored, etc. You can also purchase mats with letters and numbers on them.  2. Easy to clean. I vaccume and then wipe them clean with soap and water or if I am feeling lazy I grab a baby wipe.  3....
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Baby Body Lotion my Mustela

Positives:  1. Pump container is great! Easy to use and very convinient. I believe majority of baby products should be in pump containers. 2. Smell is very clean and mild. 3. Lightweight, think milk-like texture.  ...
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

OB/GYN = Trust Confidence Professionalism and Excitement

My OB/GYN is Doctor Laura Cha. I was very lucky to have her as my doctor. Here is why:  1. She has two kids and a third one on a way.   2. She know exactly how natural birth feels like and that is exactly the route we were taking, so she supported me 100%.  3....
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No need to buy "Baby-Safe products"

1. "Baby-safe" products are pricey. 2. Regular surface cleaner is not going to harm your baby. 3. The best way to clean the surface is with soap and water...
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

No socks or shoes until 12 M

Your baby does not need socks until she starts walking. Here is why:  1. Shoes and socks are a pain to put on. 2. Your baby does not need them.  3. Let your baby feel comfortable rather than tying her foot in a shoe.   4. Only real wool, hand-made socks make your baby's...
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Household Baby Toys

List of the best baby toys that you already have you just did not know about:  1. Pillow. Our daughter goes bananas playing with a pillow on our bed. She wrastles it, chews on it, kicks it and rolls all over the bed. Make sure you are keeping an eye on your baby, she will get very excited...
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Teething: What you need to know

1. First tooth comes out around 7 months old. We had our lower two teeth come out at the same time. 2. Sings of teething start around 3/4 months when baby starts chewing anything she comes across. 3. There are 20 baby teeth. Teething process will be complete when your baby is 2.5 years old. 4....
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