Monday, April 23, 2012

How much furniture does you baby really need?

Sleeping baby in a crib

Minimalism is my approach to life when it comes to stuff. Your baby does not need lots of furniture. It is best if baby's room or a room where baby sleeps and plays in will have lots of open space for her to crawl and walk around. Here is my list of furniture that you baby really needs: 

Must have items: 

1. Crib. I highly recommend buying a covertable crib. It will cost a little more but it will last for a very long time. Especially it will work for parents that own their own place. For parents that are renting and do not want to spend an extra $100 on a convertible crib an IKEA crib is great ($70.00 - $120.00). I am not able to recommend an IKEA crib because we never used it, but my friends and many parents online as well as recommend IKEA cribs. I personalty recommend DaVinci Emily 4 in 1 Convertible Crib ($199.00) The look of the crib is classic and unfortunately they do not carry a contemporary look, but the crib is great and it works for us!
2. Changing Table. I did not have a changing table.We used a regular table that we had. Our table was long and wide. On my table I had enough space for a changing pad, diapers, a bowl with water, diaper cream and paper towels. I would highly recommend buying a changing table if you do not have a place where you could set up your changing station. My advise is to get the highest changing table you can find. We had a regular table and let me tell you that few days and 30 diapers later my back was hurting a lot! A lot of woman feel weak in their lower backs after delivery and if a changing table or changing station is low you will experience lower back pains, same as I did. I wish we had a changing table, a very tall changing table.  

Most of you will be surprised that my list is very short. I truly believe that a crib and a changing table are two essential furniture pieces in your baby's room. Less furniture = greener planet = thicker wallets. 

Tomorrow I will write a post on baby's furniture items that you can comfortably live without.



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