Monday, April 2, 2012

Teething: What you need to know

1. First tooth comes out around 7 months old. We had our lower two teeth come out at the same time.
2. Sings of teething start around 3/4 months when baby starts chewing anything she comes across.
3. There are 20 baby teeth. Teething process will be complete when your baby is 2.5 years old.
4. When your baby is teething her immune system is weaker. Do not blame your baby's fever on teething problems it might be something else. See a doctor.
5. Some babies have their first tooth as early as 4 months old, some babies are born with a tooth and some do not have any teeth until their first birthday. Our daughter is 12 months old and we do not have as many teeth as babies her age. We are not worried. Every baby is different and that's the beauty about it!
6. Due to teething babies loose appetite. One day our daughter had some milk and may be 3 ounces of cereal in the morning, for lunch she only ate a yogurt and dinner she had 5 ounces of cereal. She had about 10 ounces of juice and water to drink. For a 12 months old baby this is not enough food. She refused to eat and I did not push her. I also think she ate yogurt only because it would numb her gums.

7. Teething = no sleep. Here is what happened to us: 9pm sleeping --> 1AM she would wake up in tears, warm milk would calm her down, plus she needs a snack because she is not eating well during the day --> 3AM she is up and although her eyes are closed she only wanted to be held. The  minute I put her down on our bed she would start turning, spinning, crawling and walking around. She did not want to be in a crib neither. She would be up from 3AM till 6AM, fall asleep around 6AM and would be up again around 8AM. We had this kind of night schedule for three weeks. We are definitely not use to it because she usually sleeps until 7:30AM without waking up. 
8. Give your baby a bottle of milk. Do not worry, she will not get used to feed at night again. She will be back on her regular schedule once the tooth is out.
9. Let her teeth! Let her chew on everything, just keep an eye on her just in case. Rubber toys, rings, wooden block (just make sure that wooden block are painted with eatable paint) her own clothing and other things. Do not worry about germs, if something fell on a dirty ground of has been in a dog's mouth wash it with soap and water.
10. Teeth developments started with mom's diet when she is pregnant. Mama need to eat foods that are reach in vitamin D (milk, kefir), Vitamin C (orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, kiwi) and Vitamin D, take a long walk on a sunny day.
11. Real teeth will start showing up around 6 years old, but their development start in mothers womb.
12. Do not give your baby sweets.
13. Our favorite teething toys is a butterfly with water filled wings. We usually keep our butterfly in the fridge or freezer, thus cold or frozen water wings keep our gums happy!
14. I think Baby Tylenol should be your last resort. We gave our daughter Tylenol when she could not sleep for almost three weeks. She woke up only once and it seemed that she was not in pain. In general our family does not like to take medicine, we use natural remedies.
15. Start teaching your baby to brush her teeth around 24 months of age. Teach your baby to brush her teeth three times a day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner).
16. First dentist visit should be after her 3rd birthday. Dentist check ups should be twice a year.
17. Sugar is bad for your baby's teeth. Sugar is the main reason why kinds have cavities. Chocolate, candy, lollipops, cakes and ice-cream should be giving to your child in limited amounts. I would suggest not giving your child any sweets until she is 3 years old.
18. Remember your baby will imitate your every move, so use this opportunity to show your baby how mama and papa are taking care of their teeth.
19. Fruites are a good source of sugar for your baby and fruits do not stick to your teeth to initial cavities.
20. Remember to give your baby lots of dairy products as a source of calcium and always remember the importance of Vitamin D.



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