Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The importance of egg yolk in your baby's diet.

importance of egg yolk in baby's diet

Egg yolk is a must give food for your baby, here is why: 

1. One egg yolk contains about 60 calories. Your baby needs foods that are high in calories, she is growing every minute.  
2. Egg yolk contains protein, cholesterol (0.6 grams) carbohydrates, and approximately 4.5 grams of total fat. 
3. Contains vitamins: A, B, B6,  D and E. Please note that egg yolk if one of very few foods that naturally contains vitamin D. 
4. Egg yolk also contains: iron, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, ion and folic acid.   
5. Introduce egg yolk around 7 months. I would not recommend giving yolk earlier than 7 months because it is high is fat and might be tough on baby's liver.  
6. How to give egg yolk for the first time: boil an egg for about 5 minutes. Take the yolk out, mash 1/4 of it and give it to your baby either by itself or in a cereal or a puree. Gradually increase the amount of egg yolk. 
7. Until your baby's first birthday you do not have to give egg yolk more than 2 or 3 times a week, one yolk per feeding or you can give half of yolk in the morning with cereal and other half for lunch in a puree.
8. After first birthday you can slowly introduce egg whites if you would like, but egg whites do not have much nutricial value and do not digest easily.
9. Your baby might be allergic, if so, wait until your baby is at least 18 months to re-try giving yolk again.
10. Some babies do not like the taste of yolk, do not push, try again in a day or two or in a week. Try blending it with different foods to disguise the smell or taste of egg yolk.

Please remember to consult your pediatrician before introducing any new foods to your baby if she already has any kind of food allergies. 



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