Friday, April 13, 2012

Interlock Foam Floor Mats by We sell Mats


1. Great color selection: brown, black, red, multicolored, etc. You can also purchase mats with letters and numbers on them. 
2. Easy to clean. I vaccume and then wipe them clean with soap and water or if I am feeling lazy I grab a baby wipe. 
3. It will tell you when its dirty. Dusts, crumbs, hair and other things are very visible on foam mats. Carpets collect dust, unless your clean your carpets every day and clean them well, carpets are always dusty. Since dirt is visible on foam mats your baby will never play on a dirty surface.
4. An affordable option. Costs way less than a carpet.  
5. Your baby will like foam mats because she can puzzle them together or distroy the puzzle and watch you interlock the mats yourself. 
6. Lightweight and waterproof. 


1. You cannot use foam mats if you have carpeting in your home/apartment. 
2. Not very durable. They are great for crawling and playing but do not place any furniture on them.
3. Hard to clean when becomes very dirty. You will need to soak them in a laundry detergent and then clean with a sponge and let them dry well. At least this is what I did when I neglected the cleaning. The easiest way  to care for your interlock mats is to clean them weekly with water and soap.   

When your baby starts crawling I highly recommend buying  Interlock Foam Floor Mats by We sell Mats



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