Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cherish your baby's nervous system

For the first six month of your babies life you need to create a stress free environment for both, mom and a baby. Your baby's nervous system is immature and needs care and nourishment. Here is my advise how to provide a stress free environment for the baby and how to avoid stressful situation for the parents:

1. For the first 6 months do not try to teach your baby a lesson, she does not need it. Comfort her when she needs you.
2. She is hungry feed her, do not give her pacifier or water! Infants are always hungry. Majority of books say that infants feed every two hours, ignore it. Every baby is different. Our daughter was eating every hour or hour and a half for the first month and only than the break between feedings was 2 or 3 hours.
3. She is wet,  change her.
4. She misses you hold her until she is satisfied. Do not worry, you won't spoil her.
5. Mom, go out. 20 minutes outside your home without your baby will do you good. Leave your baby with your mom, friend, husband and go. Nothing is going to happen to your baby in 20 minutes.
6. Mom, have an hour to yourself. While baby is sleeping: take a shower, read a book, do some light yoga poses, look through a magazine, watch TV, etc.
7. Do not talk to people that annoy you, even if its family. Politely tell them that you are not in the mood, if they don't understand it's their problem.
8. Limit visitation. My friends always complain how in-laws or parents are coming every weekend or are bugging them to come with the baby to see them. Well, tell them that you are not coming and you do not want them to come either. Be honest, it is better to have a nice relaxed weekend with your husband and your baby, rather then trying to please your parents or in-laws. Do not blame yourself for being rude or not wanting to see your friends and family. Once your baby is a little older everything will get back to usual.
9. Sleep. Try to sleep as much as you can. You won't be able to get 8 hours straight, but at least you can get up to 12 hours throughout the day.
10. Do not take your baby to crowded places. For the first 3 months babies are very fragile and need peaceful, quiet and loving environment!

Your baby feels your energy like no one else. You are happy, she is happy, you are upset, she will be too, if you are stressed out, she will be crying out of stress as well. Your baby does not know if you do not know how to change a diaper, wash her face or clean her ears, what your baby does know is when you are stressed! Do not let anything or anyone stress you! Your child's nerve system develops the most during the first six months, so zero stress level in your life will greatly benefit you both. Nerve cells do not regenerate, so try not to waist them. Your baby's health is your priority!

Remember happy mama = happy baby!

FYI: When my husband was starting to loose his patience, our baby cried even harder. Every time you are about to get stressed, remind yourself that you are holding a precious little baby that needs you and needs you happy, loving and stress free! You baby does not have anyone else and all she wants is for you to be happy!



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