Monday, January 30, 2012

Babies cry - that's what they do!

Few reasons why babies cry

Here are my reasons why babies cry:

1. Hungry
2. New diaper, please! Although our daughter never complained about a dirty diaper until she was about 7 months old.
3. Cold or Hot, if your baby is sweating she is hot, if her neck is not warm she is very cold!
4. Colic pain, and usually at night. Pain associated with gasses usually goes away closer to three month mark.
5. Tired. Yes, babies cry if they are tired, you need to rock/bounce them to sleep.
6. Hold me! She is not use to being alone, she was with you as long as she can remember, she heard your blood running through the veins and now your heartbeat is not there - hold her, put her on your chest, remember skin to skin contact with mom and dad is very important and has a magical, calming effect on infants. 
Those are my six reason why babies cry, and I must tell you for sure that one of those reason is the reason why your baby is crying.

FYI: I had a 45 minutes cry once, but it was because she could not fart, once the gasses where released she fell asleep.

Please contact your pediatrician if you feel or see that something is out of order!



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