Sunday, March 4, 2012

Baby Powder by Johnson's Baby

Baby Powder

What every parent should know about Baby Powder by Johnson's Baby :

1. Travel size bottle will last you for a very long time, no need to buy a big bottle. 
2. Baby Powder is made from talc. The purpose of talc is to absorb water and to smooth baby's skin. 
3. Baby Power / talcum powder is dangerous. When applying keep the powder away from baby's face to prevent your baby from inhaling the talc. 
4. You can get baby power in a form of cream, it is safer and easier to apply.  
5. I use baby power only when our daughter has a a diaper rash or any kind of skin irritation due to humidity. 
6. The best diaper rash treatment: apply baby powder on affected areas of the skin and let your baby play naked for at least 15 minutes. Repeat a couple of times a day if necessary. It works for us! A little bit of baby powder and an air bath and the rashes are gone within 48 hours. 
7. Keep the powder out of reach of children, talcum powder poisoning are very dangerous.

I believe Baby Powder by Johnson's Baby is a must have baby care item! 

Note: Cough, rapid shallow breathing, yellow skin, twitching of arms, hands or legs, eye/throat irritation, chest pain or a significant decrease in urine output is an indicator of talcum poisoning. Immediately call your doctor, 911 or National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.



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