Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chlorine Free Baby Wipes by Seventh Generation


1. My baby is not allergic to wipes by Seventh Generation.
2. Affordable. Count of 70 costs around $3.50.


1. Packaging states that wipes are unscented. Well, that's a lie. The smell is very strong and it is extremely unpleasant!
2. Does not come in re-sealable packaging. It comes in a tub, but tub won't fit into your diaper bag.
3. Wipes are not very moisturized. I need three or four wipes to have my baby clean.
4. I cannot get over the smell factor. It is terrible. Quoting my husband: "Dirty diapers already have a very unique smell, do we need unique smelling wipes as well?"

I would not recommend Baby Wipes by Seventh Generation!

Sevenths Generation uses green materials and packaging. The company also donates 10% of profits to charity. Seventh Generation helps to make this world a better place for us and for our children, but I believe they need to improve their baby wipes. 

FYI: I use water and soap to clean a diaper area when we are at home. Wipes are used on a go only.



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