Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am sure that you already know that breast-milk has the best nutritional value for your child. Not a single formula can provide your baby with what your body can...
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Postpartum Hair Loss: What to do

I read about postpartum hair loss due to hormone changes in women's body, I always hoped that it would be not as bad as some woman describe it. I hoped for the best but prepared to worst, so here is what I did to help my hair get stronger and grow faster...
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Monday, February 27, 2012

Sophie the Giraffe

Every single parent I know, knows and has the most famous teething toy Sophie the Giraffe! This little Giraffe is very unique and it is still amazes me that every single baby is in love with Sophie...
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cradle cap foam shampoo for newborns by Mustela

Anti cradle cap foam shampoo by Mustela works for us. My daughter did not have too much cradle flakes but it might be because we were only using Foam Shampoo for newborns by Mustela for over 9 months now...
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cloth Books

One of the best gifts for children and their parents are books. Cloth books are a perfect gift for babies as early as 6 months old. Why cloth books are a must in your baby's life...
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Friday, February 24, 2012

First week with your newborn baby at home!

Dear mamas and papas, Here are few things that I think you need to know about your first week with your baby at home. I personally think that it is not hard to have one baby. My husband could only take few days off work and we have no family in town...
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Baby Dry by Pampers

My favorite diapers from birth to 7 months! 1. The softest diaper there is. 2. Does not leak. 3. Extremely absorbent, has an extra layer of absorbency than an average diaper...
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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The best baby registry:

Here is why I love baby registry from as well as their online store: 1. All registry items ship for free!  2. Best deals for diapers, especially if you buy a value box on average your saving will be $6.00. 3. Free shipping on all purchases of $49+ (none registry...
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Thursday, February 16, 2012


Here is what I know about pacifiers:  1. Before you give your baby a pacifier for the first time make sure you boil it for 1-2 minutes. 2. If the pacifier is scratched or there is a crack you need to get a new pacifier. 3. It is best if you have a couple of pacifiers in your diaper...
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Follow your heart and not the schedule!

I decided to breastfeed our baby on demand relying on doctor Benjamin Spock who says that babies always know how much and when they need to eat. Sometimes Sasha would eat every hour and other times she was not hungry for over three hours. I always trusted my baby...
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Aden + Anais Swaddle Wrap

Aden + Anais are the best swaddling wraps on the market! Here is why: ...
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Monday, February 13, 2012

Bubble Bath 3-9 Months

1. A bath tub with back support, your baby must sit in a 45 degree angle. You cannot sit your baby until she sits on her own, it puts too much pressure on her back, she will be sitting once her body is ready. Do not fill the tub higher than the baby's shoulder line when lying in a 45 degree...
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Never Wake the Baby Up

We never woke our baby up! Every single book on child's care will have a sleeping chart and for the first two month babies must sleep 18-20 hours a day...
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Nestum Cereal by Nestlé

Nestum is a great baby cereal! Dear moms, I suggest you give this cereal a try, and I am more than sure that you will like it as much as I do...
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baby Bottles by Tommee Tippee

Tommee Tippee are great baby bottles! Here is why I use them:  1. The wide neck is so wide even the table spoon goes through the neck, it facilitates mixing baby cereal and other foods.  2. The wide and somewhat flat nipple is comfortable for my baby. The shape...
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Friday, February 3, 2012

Breastfeeding - Don'ts & Limits

My food guide during nursing period:  Limit: 1. Citrus Fruits (oranges,lemons, etc) - too much citrus might upset your baby's stomach, as well as allergy possibility. 2. Tropic Fruits (mango, papaya, etc.) if you did not grew up eating exotic/tropical fruits...
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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do not swaddle.

We did not swaddle our baby, I think it slows down their development. Yes, your baby will be waking herself up because she will be bothered by the movements of her own hands, but soon she will get to know her hands and learn to control them or at least not to wake up to their touch...
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