Friday, February 3, 2012

Breastfeeding - Don'ts & Limits

Limit certain foods while breastfeeding

My food guide during nursing period: 


1. Citrus Fruits (oranges,lemons, etc) - too much citrus might upset your baby's stomach, as well as allergy possibility.
2. Tropic Fruits (mango, papaya, etc.) if you did not grew up eating exotic/tropical fruits you should limit them, baby might be allergic.

Do not eat: 

1. Pastries - empty calories. You need foods that will help and keep your body producing milk. Right now your body uses fat that you have been storing for 9 months to produce milk. When your body will use all of the fat resources it will take all the nutrients from you. For instance, you must daily include milk and dairy products into your diet because calcium for your baby will be taken from your bones and teeth Drink milk to keep your teeth and bones healthy! 
2. Honey - high possibility of allergic reaction. 
3. Nuts - a friend of mine was eating lots of nuts while breastfeeding, and she could not figure out why her son's skin was very dry and he had a rash all over his face. She was also complaining that he is cranky all the time. Well, my friend, first of all, your baby has a rash therefor he is cranky because he is not comfortable. Second of all no matter how much you like nuts or nuts are a traditional food in your culture, do not eat them, because your baby has a reaction to them. By eating nuts you are discomforting your baby which leads to your discomfort due to fussiness and crankiness from your newborn. Watch what your eat and see how your baby reacts to certain foods. All babies are different, so pay attention to your diet. 
4. Sodas and can food - you need to eat well, all of these products have no beneficial value to you or your babies health.
5. Grapes and beans - make you baby gassy which  leads to colic pain. 
6. Fatty meats, such as bacon - too much fat is very heavy and will be hard to digest.
7. Crab, chocolate and  - possibility of allergic reaction.
8. Do no drink alcohol or smoke tobacco - toxic.
9. Strong coffee or tea - excites your baby's nervous system, might be the reason why your baby is not sleeping average amount of hours for her age. Your limit is one cup a day, in the morning and in the morning only. I am not a big coffee drinker, but if I needed a source of energy I squeeze two oranges and drink a 100% fresh orange juice which gives me tons of energy due to Vitamin C and glucose (sugar) intake.
10. Onions and garlic - these products most likely will change how breast-milk tastes, your baby might not like it and would not eat or eat less than usual.
11. Tomatoes - my daughter had a very dry skin and I could not figure out what it was, until I read an article that stated that breastfed babies might have dry skin if mother eats too much "red fruits of vegetables". I love tomatoes, and I ate them every day sometimes twice a day. Once I stopped eating the tomatoes my daughter had her beautiful baby skin back.
12. Spicy foods - baby's sensitive and immature digestive system might not handle it very well.

Remember: What goes into your month will go into your babies stomach! Taking care of yourself = taking care of your baby! 




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