Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Follow your heart and not the schedule!

Your baby creates her own schedule, follow it.

I decided to breastfeed our baby on demand relying on doctor Benjamin Spock who says that babies always know how much and when they need to eat. Sometimes Sasha would eat every hour and other times she was not hungry for over three hours. I always trusted my baby!

Our second night in the hospital my daughter did not sleep all night, she was hungry every 30 minutes, I would feed her, then she would fall asleep for 15-20 min and wake up again crying for food. The next day she was sleeping for over 3 hours in a row. The nurse wanted to wake her up, but I did not let her. She was not a premature baby and I knew she did not get any sleep at night, so she needed to catch up on her sleep. She woke up after 4 and a half hours. She was not crying - she was rested. I fed her right away and we went home.

I trust my mother instinct and I recommend you do the same. Do not change your mind if you have a strong feeling regarding your baby's behavior. Mother nature gives us a natural talent, gut feeling and an instinct when it comes to baby care, do not ignore it, listen to it and you will have more confidence in yourself and in your baby! I believe in you and so does your baby!  

Please note that if your baby was born premature or there are any concerns regarding baby's health you should consult your pediatrician regarding feeding on demand strategy. 



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