Friday, February 24, 2012

First week with your newborn baby at home!

First week in your baby's life

Dear mamas and papas,

Here are few things that I think you need to know about your first week with your baby at home. I personally think that it is not hard to have one baby. My husband could only take few days off work and we have no family in town.

My friends, well, the one's I have in town, magically disappeared and friends that would love to help live all over the world. The most important thing that you need to know: You can do it. At this stage your baby needs your love, touch and your breast or a bottle. That's it! Generations were raised without the resources available to us today. I am not telling you to ignore them, but I am telling you that you are completely capable of taking care of your baby and there is no reason to worry or pity yourself!

1. No matter what happens, do not panic! Your infant feels what you feel, if you get nervous, stressed or upset so does your baby.
2. Your baby is OK, you do not have to check on her every 2 minutes.
3. Your baby's job is to: eat, sleep, test her diaper's durability and have some tummy time with mom and dad.
4. Dear Dad (or whomever is helping with the baby) take the trash out, wash the dishes, do the laundry, cook/order lunch/diner, go grocery shopping.
 5. Dear mama: eat, sleep (as much as you can, even if you don't want to), read a book, go outside for a 10-15 minute walk.
6. Your baby is not "fussy", people should not use than term when it comes to newborns. It makes me mad! There are several reasons why your baby is crying, and if you figure out which one it is, your baby will be very happy, quiet or sleepy! Crying is the only way of communication she has, please do not call it fussiness.
7. Do not measure her body temperature every 20 minutes, she is fine. You will notice if something is wrong!
8. If your baby is sweating and her head is very hot, she is hot and if her feet are cold and the back of her neck is barely warm, she is cold.
9. Do not put layers and layer and layers of clothing on your child! Let's say you are in your underwear and a t-shirt and you feel comfortable, so have your baby in a short or long-sleeve footed bodysuit and she will be find. When you hear "a layer, two or some people even say three layers of clothing more on your child than on you" it means when you are going outside, but if you staying home, don't have your baby in a sweater when you are only wearing a t-shirt. We had our daughter in bodysuits or onesies all the time. Summer time she was only in her diaper.
10. Teach your baby day&night right away. Teach your baby that a day nap will be in a bright room, with some noises and voices. The night is dark and quiet. Teaching your baby to distinguish night and day will also help to create a routine as well as discipline you and your baby.
11. Massage. Try to find at least 5 minutes to give your baby a newborn massage (helps them to relax the tensity if their muscles as well as stomach massage helps with colic pain) Do it at least 45 minutes before or after the meal.. It was extremely challenging for me at the beginning, because my daughter usually was sleeping 45 minutes after her meal and when she woke up she did not want a massage, she wanted to eat. Stick to it and few weeks into it you will figure the right time for your and your baby.
12. Teach your baby independence. For instance, she took a nap, she woke up and she is not crying and here is the mistake majority of parents do: they get into their baby's face or pick them up! Give your baby a chance to take her new environment in. Teach her that it is OK to wake up without seeing your face. Let her explore the world with all the limited resources she has.
13. You have enough milk! There is no need to give your baby a formula as long as she goes through 8 diapers a day. Amount of diapers is an indication of how much food she eats. Less then 6 diapers is not good, call your pediatrician.
14. Call your mom, a sister a close friend who has a baby, your pediatriacian or your OBGYN if you have any questions. Do not Google.
15. I will highly recommend you not to have any visitors at all. You need some alone time with your family. I remember the first few weeks after delivery, it was only three of us! It was amazing! So much love and piece in the air. Your friends and family can wait, they will understand.
16. Air baths are important! Have your infant naked for at least 10 minutes a day, especially if you have a boy.
17. Dear mama, do not try to be a super-women. Relax, enjoy the moment! I see the super-women moms, they look 60 when they are 40. Take your time! Sleep, eat, rest!
18. Create a bedtime routine. Yes, you heard me, create a bedtime routine from day one.
19. Have an hour to yourself. "Your hour" does not include any thoughts about the baby. Have "your hour" when baby is asleep.
20. You are my hero! You might or might not feel this way right now, but being a mom is the best thing that every happened to  you!



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