Thursday, February 16, 2012


What parents should know about pacifiers

Here is what I know about pacifiers: 

1. Before you give your baby a pacifier for the first time make sure you boil it for 1-2 minutes.
2. If the pacifier is scratched or there is a crack you need to get a new pacifier.
3. It is best if you have a couple of pacifiers in your diaper bag as well as few around the house.
4. Do not use a pacifier as a distraction, if you baby is crying and does not want a pacifier it means there is something else he wants or there is something wrong.
5. Find a pacifier that corresponds with baby's age. 
6. It is better for a baby to have a pacifier in his mouth rather than his thumb. Sucking a thumb can cause: child's teeth to become improperly aligned, push the teeth outward, sometimes malforming the roof (upper palate) of the mouth, a child may also develop speech problems such as mispronouncing Ts and Ds, and last but not least a nail on the thumb most likely will become very fragile and thin and will not grow as well as other nails.
7. Different brands have different pacifiers, find a pacifier that your baby likes.
8. Sucking reflex will start decreasing when your baby will turn 6 months old, which means he should be given a pacifier less frequently. 
9. Pacifier helps babies release gases and relief their colic pains (birth to 3 months). 
10. To clean a pacifier simply wash it with soap and water and water access is not near pacifier wipes are always handy.

Why your baby wants a pacifier: 

A. He is hungry. Take the pacifier out and give him your breast or a bottle. B. He is stressed and wants to be held. Babies manage their stress by sucking a pacifier because it reminds them of breastfeeding, when you have them in your arms, they feel your body and your warmth, hold your baby, interact with him and take the pacifier out and you will see that you baby will be paying attention to you and will forget about the pacifier. C. Pacifier (sucking reflex) helps your baby fall asleep

Please note that you baby understands the functionality, texture and shape of the objects through his mouth. Your baby has a very limited basket of skills so in order the make an understanding of his world he explores with skills readily available to him. He uses his eyes to see the shape and color, his tiny hands to determine the weight and shape, his ears to figure out any cause and effect of sound and finally his mouth to determine texture and taste. A pacifiers does not allow your baby to learn about this world, if he does not need it, take it out and let a little explorer begin his journey! 



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