Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do not swaddle.

Do not swaddle your baby

We did not swaddle our baby, I think it slows down their development. Yes, your baby will be waking herself up because she will be bothered by the movements of her own hands, but soon she will get to know her hands and learn to control them or at least not to wake up to their touch.

I swaddled our girl in the hospital and a couple of first days at home but after that no swaddling, we simply wrapped a swaddling blanket around her waist line so her feet would not get cold or I used a footed bodysuits with no blankets at all. We all struggled for a couple of weeks, but after that hands were no trouble at all. I really think that "no to swaddling approach" is a little difficult at the beginning but a great benefit in the future. Let your baby move whenever she feels like it, even in her asleep! Two, three weeks later your baby will get a hold of her hands and she will not wake herself up! 

The sooner she will learn that her hands exist, the sooner she will learn to control them, the faster she will start developing and controlling her muscle movement as well as starting touching and holding things. Give it a try!



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