Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I know about "tummy time"

infant exercise 1. Start as soon as day 1 
2. Good time for tummy exercise 20 minutes before or after the meal 
3. Baby has to be wide awake
4. Baby has to be in a good mood 
5. Praise your baby, make sure she knows how proud you are 
6. In case your baby does not like to be on a floor or a mattress, your chest or stomach is good place for tummy time as well
7. Slowly increase amount of tummy time
8. Stop if your baby gets irritated, usually it is because she is tired 
9. Sleeping on her tummy also counts
10. I recommend having your infant on your tummy at least 2 a day 
11. No need for play-mats. Do not waste your money. Simply have your baby on a clean solid surface like mattress or a floor covered with a blanket 
12. Do not just leave her there. Play with her, push her and praise her. She will get bored and discouraged if left alone
13. Have a rattle, colorful book, toys or blocks in front of her. Toys will motivate her to look up and move forward. We had Sophie as our first target and it always worked! 
14. Not all babies like tummy time. Keep trying! Try it in a different place or time, but keep trying. 
15. Some days babies do not feel like exercising. Give them a break and try again in a day or two. 
16. Having your baby on her tummy helps strengthen her neck and back muscles which later will help her sit up, crawl, walk and run. 
17. To challenge your baby simply have her push of the palm of your hand. She will be excited just as much as you are to be "crawling"
18. Stomach time does not take too much time or effort 
19. A good pediatrician will ask you how often do you have your baby on her tummy 
20. Dear mama, let papa enjoy tummy time while you can take a shower or simply have alone time. 

P.S. Please remember to consult with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns regarding tummy time!



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