Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do not pump for as long as you don't have to!

Do not pump

Breastfeed = better sensations for your baby! 

Here is what happens when your baby latches on:

1. She hears your heartbeat.
2. Touches your warm skin with her hands, nose and lips.
3. Plays with your finger or pieces of  your clothing.
4. Smells you.
5. The first "milk" is water like, it is thin and satisfies your baby's thirst.
6. The "second" milk is thicker and fattier, you baby starts to eat.
7. The "third or back" milk is very thick, fat, and extremely nutritious, I call it the "dessert milk". 
8. If you pump, all "three meals" are mixed together and baby does not have the same experience or satisfaction. 
9. When  you baby is latched on she will eat as much as she wants, if you pump, you are giving your baby a limit of how much to eat, or she might not be that hungry and you wasted all that milk and time to pump.
10. Breastfeeding is a very rewarding feeling, when you pump there are no feeling involved, it is a procedure. When you are holding and hugging your baby, waking her up so she could eat a little more, playing with your hands and feet, giving her your whole self is true art.

FYI: When you are not pumping there is no need to buy bottles, nipples, sterilizer, bottle brush, baby dish soap, draining rack and breast-milk pump. You are automatically helping this planet to be a little greener.



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