Friday, August 31, 2012

Regarding the pump

I am not against the pump

1. I am not against the pump. Pump is great for working mothers. 
2. If your mother, sister or grandmother had an issue with breast-milk supply you might want to have a pump as your must have baby registry item. Milk supply is mostly genetic.
3. I would not pump just because you want to go out and drink. I think you can survive another 6 months without a glass of wine. Unless you are an alcoholic of course.
4. I would pump if I was embarrassed to breastfeed in public places.
6. I did not pump and I do recommend to pump for as long as you don't have to but I am not against it. I simply believe that pumping is a waist of time. Time to pump, time to freeze, reheat, clean and sterilize a bottle. You are waisting time, water and electricity. Not time efficient and not very green.
7. If you baby does not latch on to you but does to a bottle, it sounds a little strange, don't you agree? Make sure to take breastfeeding class in the hospital. They will show you what do to and make sure you will know what to do with the pump or your breasts. All babies are different, you will find a way to feed your baby and feel good about it.
8. Our second night in the hospital my daughter was eating every 20 minutes. Sometimes eating for only 2 minutes and getting tired. Was that a latching on issue? I don't think so. Babies need to gain strength and develop skill to breastfeed. She was learning. I did not let a single nurse tell me that she was tongue tired or anything else. Yes, I was tired and exhausted to feed her every 20 minutes but 24 hours later she got a hold of it. Your baby is fine, let her learn and do not worry unless your mother instinct tells you otherwise.
9. The best pump in the world is your baby! Have milk supply issues? Have your baby at your breast every 20 minutes and you will have an increase in milk supply, unless it is a genetic issue that runs in the family. Remember, baby is your best tool. 
10. Pumps are great, but they are second best option after breast-feeding. Parents will have plenty opportunities in life to give your child "second best" why give second best if you can give the best of the best now?
11. Mother instinct is the best doctor. Trust your instinct and if it tells you your baby needs a bottle of pumped  milk instead of your breast do so. My gut was telling me that warm milk straight out of me was the best option for me and my baby. You have to feel confident and comfortable with decisions your make. 
12. Your baby will grow, be healthy, beautiful, strong and happy! Some do not have milk at all, and formula babies do just fine! Do not worry, everything is going to be great! No matter what you choose there are always doctors and your gut to guide you through the process.
13. For all the green mothers. Pumping is not a green move. Buying all natural and organic and then pumping, does not make sense. Sorry!
14. Baby comes first. I am sorry, but I truly believe so. Personal life, friends, nights out and hobbies come second during breast-feeding period. I really hope that every mother can put her life on hold for 6 months. After 6 months babies start trying solid foods therefore they start being more independent. Your true friends will understand and will see you and hang out with you when you can and on your terms.
15. Your husband or partner will understand, especially if you explain what is the big picture and a long-term benefit.

P.S. Since I did not have a problem with public breastfeeding, my husband and I had dates with our baby girl. I would breastfeed, rock her to sleep and we had at least 1 hour and a half to ourselves. Try to figure out baby's sleeping pattern and work around it. Find a date place where you believe your baby will sleep and your will have a good date, not a long one, but a good one! :)


Jitka Veselá said...

As I absolutely agree with what has been said, I have to add another point of view.

Breast feeding is the best option, there is no doubt about that. However, from my current experience, pump is helping me keep my milk through the period when my twins are in the hospital to get a little stronger before they let us all go home (they were born almost 7 weeks early). Pumping, therefore, provides an option for me to feed them MY milk in the hours where I cannot be there with them and cannot breastfeed...
Pump is like my best friend now ;-) because it is always better to pump and feed my own milk then not pump and let them feed my children milk from some other women...


Unknown said...

Dear Jitka,

Completely agree with you. When babies are born premature there is a completely different kind of care involved. Majority of premature babies do not even have enough strength to suck and fall asleep half way through the feeding and therefore pumped milk or formula is usually used to feed early born babies. Very soon your babies will be strong enough to enjoy your company at home! Congratulations and good luck!!! Keep in up mom ;)


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