Thursday, August 23, 2012

Public Breastfeeding

Yes to public breastfeeding

1. Definitely YES to breastfeeding in public places.
2. I do not understand when people are giving you "looks" when you are breastfeeding in a park. 
3. There are many support groups online to help you feel confident and not alone when it comes to public breastfeeding.
4. People that understand will look one time, smile and not look again. Do not worry people won't stare at you. 
5. Make sure to wear "breastfeeding friendly outfit" to facilitate the process. 
6. Have an extra outfit for the baby and extra shirt for yourself (just in case)
7. Have an extra blanket or a burp cloth
8. Find a nice, green, clean, quiet place: a bench in a park or a corner table in a restaurant. Majority of large baby stores have mother and baby room where you can change, feed and rest with your baby.
9. Practice public breastfeeding. It is not easy at first. Try to do it at home first. Get your things ready and sit down on a chair in your foyer. Practice and find out ways and positions for you to breastfeed comfortably. 
10. Breastfeed - grow a new generation! Remember that sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable but it is all for a greater good!
11. Change  your baby before your start and 15-30 minutes later.
12. Drink water before and after you finished
13. Take your time
14. Do not worry, with time and practice you will become a pro at feeding your baby in public places.
15. Ask for help if you need it. Stop a passing by woman "that might look like a mom" and ask her to help you cover up, or pull a pacifier from you diaper bag, or anything else you might need. People will help!

Here is what I think you should not do:

1. Please do not show your breasts to the world. Cover up! Use a regular baby blanket, swaddling wrap or a special breastfeeding cover-up. I do not think that showing your nipples to the world is a part of breastfeeding experience.
2. Do not show how excellent your baby got at latching on. Cover up first and then get to it. 
3. While breastfeeding do not look around to find looks of approval or the opposite. The experience is between you and your baby, who cares what the world thinks. 
4. I recently ran into a mother who was determined to show her breasts to the world and show how her baby was latching on. She had this pissed of look on her face and was trying to read everyone's reaction. I had a feeling that she had a bad public breastfeeding experience once and now she is angry and quite frankly she cares what others think. 
5. Do not force yourself to public breastfeeding. You have to be comfortable doing it. Long walks in a park, dinners and brunches can wait. Practice! Get comfortable. Ask your friends or husband to help you until you get a hold of it. 

Make sure to eat well and drink plenty of water while breastfeeding. Read more breastfeeding tips here.

P.S. It is legal to breastfeed in public places.



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